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In this week’s Hidden Wealth Reviews, I teach that top tax savings expert and CPA guru, Ed Slott, emphasizes that Roth IRA conversions are especially attractive if they are done before 2026. We meet with many people who have inherited IRAs from family members. Inherited IRAs cause ongoing tax liability for those who inherit them.

When retirees pass away, their children are probably in their peak earning years and in their highest tax bracket. This creates tax problems for the children because they must distribute all of the funds in the account within the 10 year period following the original account holder’s death. This makes doing Roth conversions today even more attractive says Robert Dietz, National Director of Tax Research at Bernstein Private Wealth Management.

Recently, we met with a client who was facing the first year of Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) on his inherited IRA. He was confused by all of the rules surrounding inherited IRAs. The fact that the rules keep changing didn’t help the situation. We taught him how to use a little-known tax deduction (for those who qualify) that offsets the taxes that would have otherwise been due on cashing in his inherited IRA. It’s great that he got this done now because, the longer you wait, the more tax you will pay. I will be teaching this strategy and more at this Tuesday’s Tax Protecting Your Retirement webinar.

CNBC reports that, according to UBS, only 41% of investors with more than $1 million in their IRAs have a plan for passing their wealth on to future generations. Roth IRA conversions are an attractive vehicle for legacy planning.

There are ways to avoid you and your heirs from getting stuck with an unnecessary tax bill. Roth IRA retirement account conversions are now being used for legacy planning as well as saving the account owner taxes in retirement. Sadly, about the time we expire is about the time our adult children retire. If have an IRA, the government is in control. By eliminating Uncle Sam from the equation, you can be in control!

Click Here to learn why now is the time to get your retirement savings un-taxed so that you and your family can avoid paying unnecessary taxes.

In order to avoid inherited IRAs, the time to do strategic Roth conversions is now, because there’s a lot of tax that can be avoided. Right now, tax rates are on sale but higher taxes are on the horizon and, as Ed Slott points out, your IRA is an IOU to the IRS.

Clients often ask me if the government could change the rules around IRAs. While they certainly can and have done so in the past, we are currently in the lowest tax rates that many of us will ever see. Historically low tax rates are why now is the time to convert traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs!

A lot of the money in a traditional IRA is debt that’s owed back to the government. Just as you and your spouse’s bank account is a joint account, your traditional IRA is a joint account with the government. The difference is that when it comes to your joint account with your spouse, you know that you own half the value of the account. In the case of your traditional IRA, you don’t know what your portion will eventually be. It all depends on how much money the government needs when you start taking out your money.

You work hard for your money. Let me teach you how to get rid of Uncle Sam as your retirement partner. Learn how to protect yourself and your legacy from unnecessary taxes. Go to and learn how you can eliminate unnecessary taxes from your retirement equation.

Could Your Retirement Tax Bill Be Too Big?


Imagine, more financial success, less stress, less worry and less taxation. Learn to control the things you can control while taxes are still on sale.

To learn how big your tax bill will be, go to and learn, in 30 seconds, how much tax exposure you have. Then learn how you can lower that tax bill by registering for Tuesday’s Tax Protecting Your Retirement webinar.

If you did a great job of saving for retirement in tax-deferred accounts such as IRAs and 401(k)s, there’s still time to benefit from the tax sale. Protect yourself and your legacy from the tax tidal wave.

Register for Tuesday’s no-cost, no-obligation financial webinar by simply following these four simple steps:

  1. Go to (or scroll down to the form below).
  2. Select the webinar date/time you prefer.
  3. Enter your information thoroughly – make sure to double check your email address.
  4. Click “Reserve My Spot!” to submit, that’s it!

Once you’ve registered, you’ll receive an email containing a personal access link to join Tuesday’s event. Don’t forget to add it to your calendar!

Strong savers in 401(k)s and IRAs and high income earner are the people who will benefit the most from our proven solutions. Proven solutions with a track record of measurable results. Imagine less stress, less worry. Peace of mind retirement protection.

Register for your preferred webinar time now because these events have proven to fill up fast.

Those who attend this event will receive a complimentary copy of my latest eBook:

The Baby Boomer Retirement Breakthrough-The Unfair Advantage to a Safe and Secure Retirement.

CHuck Oliver Retirement Breakthrough

Spouses and Significant Others are Encouraged to Attend This Event Together

Note: We serve Boomers and Retirees all over the Unites States. We have an efficient, supported process to meet online, as have been doing for over 20 years. Our online meetings are private, the access is restricted and we never share our meeting link with anyone who’s not a part of the meeting.

Chuck Oliver
Wealth Strategist | Best-Selling Author
We help Baby Boomers and Retirees thrive in retirement through a clear retirement road map that provides market correction and tax protection to optimize income and assets!