Please Click the Video to Watch This Important, Short Message 

Let me ask you a question. Are you ready for what is being referred to as the dynamic decade? Although technically more than a decade, I’m referring to that period of time between the ages of 62 and 75. This year, the U.S. will experience the largest population of people turning 65 in history!

During this time, many people anticipate experiencing a feeling of relief and relaxation as they wind down their work lives and ease into retirement. However, the most important decisions you make in your financial life (and your children’s financial lives) will be made during this time frame. These decisions cause anxiety, frustration and stress for many. Our clients are looking for direction, confidence and clarity! Change is not easy to embrace, but you need change to get a different result.

Now is the time to take the initiative (as many of our clients are currently doing) to get your financial house in order before increasing taxes, volatile market conditions and ballooning inflation take their toll on your retirement future. Regardless of age, it is never too early or too late to get a head start to be wealth protection smart.

In our practice, we see more financial damage being done by people procrastinating the planning of their financial future by being reactive, rather than proactive. Taking action before disaster strikes is always better than trying to clean up afterwards!

Recently, a gentleman used our Retirement Tax Calculator, a free resource we provide to help people understand the impact of taxes in retirement. He was astonished to discover that his first required minimum distribution (RMD) was going to start at over $212,000! At today’s tax rates, his Social Security income, pensions and RMDs were going to push him above a 24% marginal tax bracket.

There is a litany of things that need to be decided before you make your work life exit so that you are properly positioned in retirement. There is a difference between having a big box store brokerage accumulation plan with the “keep all your money in the market” philosophy. This “hope” philosophy is the only strategy these brokerages (who never address taxes) provide. In addition, these brokerages seldom provide a wealth preservation and distribution plan since accumulation is their only strategy. Going into retirement with just an accumulation plan that doesn’t address taxes is simply sending the sheep to slaughter.

    How Big is Your Retirement Tax Bill?

    Learn How To Prepare For The Dynamic Decade

    This coming Tuesday, at my new, Remove Your Wealth from Washington webinar, I will be teaching a few of the 47 tax-savings strategies on our CPA approved tax-savings platform. These are proven strategies with track records of measurable results that have been in the tax code for decades. These proven strategies will help you remove your wealth from Washington.

    If you are looking for security, structure and consistency attend my educational webinar this week.

    You work hard for your money. Imagine, removing taxes, the most predictable thing that will trip you up in retirement. If they can convict a former president and sentence him just days before his party’s nominating convention, then they can change the tax rules on a dime. Go to and register for Tuesday’s no-cost, no obligation financial educational event.

    I want to teach you why your retirement plan must lead with a tax plan. If you don’t have a tax plan, you simply have a wealth accumulation plan that will make the government wealthier than you!

    Register for Tuesday’s webinar by following these four simple steps:

    1. Go to (or scroll down to the form below).
    2. Select the webinar date/time you prefer.
    3. Enter your information thoroughly – make sure to double check your email address.
    4. Click “Reserve My Spot!” to submit, that’s it!

    Once you’ve registered, you’ll receive an email containing a personal access link to join Tuesday’s event. Don’t forget to add it to your calendar!

    Register for your preferred webinar time now because these events have proven to fill up fast.

    Those who attend this event will receive a complimentary copy of my latest eBook:

    The Baby Boomer Retirement Breakthrough-The Unfair Advantage to a Safe and Secure Retirement.

    CHuck Oliver Retirement Breakthrough

    Spouses and Significant Others are Encouraged to Attend This Event Together

    Note: We serve Boomers and Retirees all over the Unites States. We have an efficient, supported process to meet online, as have been doing for over 20 years. Our online meetings are private, the access is restricted and we never share our meeting link with anyone who’s not a part of the meeting.

    Chuck Oliver
    Wealth Strategist | Best-Selling Author
    We help Baby Boomers and Retirees thrive in retirement through a clear retirement road map that provides market correction and tax protection to optimize income and assets!