Retirement Protected Webinar

Our new educational webinar addresses protection from the coronavirus (COVID-19) market and stimulus impact and the upcoming election impact that are/will be making the economy unstable.

Those who attend this event will receive a digital copy of my latest book, The Baby Boomer Retirement Breakthrough-The Unfair Advantage to a Safe and Secure Retirement.

The Top Five Mistakes Retirees Make

Please Click the Video to Watch This Important, Short Message  In this week’s Hidden Wealth Reviews, I talk about the Kiplinger article “How to Avoid These Five Costly Tax Mistakes That Many Retirees Make”. I especially want to emphasize the number one mistake that...

DOGE to DOTE: Department of Tax Efficiency

Please Click the Video to Watch This Important, Short Message  In this week’s Hidden Wealth Reviews, I want to talk about something critical, DOTE and DOGE. While people in Washington are scrambling to cover up their fraud, waste and abuse, the Department of...

Act Now, Trump’s Tax Cuts Are Stuck in the Mud!

Please Click the Video to Watch This Important, Short Message  In this week’s Hidden Wealth Reviews, I teach that Trump’s tax cuts are stuck in the mud because the Republicans in Congress are fighting over spending. Hard-line conservatives are asking for more than $2...

Critical Timing Tax Savings Money Moves

Please Click the Video to Watch This Important, Short Message  In this week’s Hidden Wealth Reviews, I teach about critical timing tax savings money moves. If you’re still trying to save taxes for 2024, the tax-savings door is still open, but it’s about to close. Go...

Democrats Dubious of Working with Trump on Taxes

Please Click the Video to Watch This Important, Short Message  In this week’s Hidden Wealth Reviews, I teach that the Democrats are dubious around supporting the Trump tax cuts. In the last few days, we’ve had some concerning economic news: The Fed failed to reduce...

Avoid the 10 Year Tax Squeeze!

Please Click the Video to Watch This Important, Short Message  In this week’s Hidden Wealth Reviews, I teach you how to avoid the 10 year tax squeeze. I’m speaking specifically to those who are stuck with inherited required minimum distributions (RMDs). Although it’s...

Your Taxes Won’t Improve Unless You Decide to Act!

Please Click the Video to Watch This Important, Short Message  In this week’s Hidden Wealth Reviews, I teach that your taxes won’t get any better until you decide to do something about them. To discover why this is so important right now, go to, a free...

What Millionaires and Billionaires Do to Protect Their Wealth From Taxes

Please Click the Video to Watch This Important, Short Message  In this week’s Hidden Wealth Reviews, I teach what millionaires and billionaires like Donald Trump and Elon Musk do to protect their wealth from unnecessary taxes and what you can do about this as well. I...

Markets Are Being Tested and Taxes Could Be Resurrected!

Please Click the Video to Watch This Important, Short Message  In this week’s Hidden Wealth Reviews, I want to wish you a Happy New Year and teach you how to protect yourself from markets that are being tested and taxes that could be resurrected. The Tax Cuts and Jobs...

How to Survive Higher Tax in 2025!

Please Click the Video to Watch This Important, Short Message  In this week’s Hidden Wealth Reviews, I want to start with a powerful quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Inspired by this wisdom, let’s...

In this week’s Hidden Wealth Solution Insight, I teach that Memorial Day is a time to stop and give thanks for the price that’s been paid for our freedom. Even though we seem to live a wacky world, the sacrifices of our service members are a major reason why our nation remains a world leader.

I’d like to share some of the fears and anxieties that folks have expressed to me in recent meetings:

  • Major layoffs – Microsoft, Intel and Wal-Mart, just to name a few. These layoffs are not reported or are downplayed in the mainstream media.
  • Growing Deficit – The federal government estimates the 2016 budget deficit will be $616 billion, up from $438 billion in 2015. An increase of $178 billion in just one year! Guess who’s going to get the bill for this out of control spending?
  • Stock market – The market is at an all time high. What goes up always comes down. Remember what happened in 2008?
  • Bigger Banks – Remember those institutions that were “too big to fail”? They’re even bigger now than they were eight years ago.
  • Housing market – The market is now just as over-sold and over-priced as it was before the last crash.

I want to teach you how you can very simply avoid these concerns. One simple retirement safety step is to suspend your disbelief; be open to understanding that we need a new way to retire in order to get a different result.

The second step is to realize that it is up to you to learn the most proven retirement safety strategies that will grow and protect your savings. You can learn these new strategies by attending my Retirement Protection Webinar this coming Tuesday.

Those who register will receive, as a gift, the electronic version of my latest book, The Baby Boomer Retirement Breakthrough, The Unfair Advantage for a Safe & Secure Retirement. I encourage spouses to attend this educational event together.

Here’s to your Hidden Wealth,
Chuck Oliver
Best-Selling Author