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In this week’s Hidden Wealth Reviews, I teach about the boring way to become a millionaire in America. I’ll be teaching in depth about this topic on Tuesday at my Remove Your Wealth from Washington webinar. The event is designed for those who are really serious about optimizing their assets and who want to build, maintain and transfer wealth.
According to a study by Northwestern Mutual, almost eight out of ten millionaires are self-made. They have pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps. These are mostly the people with whom we work; those who have worked hard and saved hard. What we’ve discovered is that a lot of these people don’t know their level of exposure to giving away their wealth to unnecessary taxes. The number one most boring way to become a millionaire in America is to take advantage of tax saving strategies.
Despite the favorable outcome of the election, it’s going to take some time for the Trump train to get back on the tracks, given the current level of economic destruction. The interest on our debt today exceeds the tax revenue currently being generated. There are more people leaving the workforce than entering it. This large number of workforce exits has never been experienced before in our country. This is impacting the number of taxpayers in a negative way. Inflation takes time to come down. Because we have to spend more money to get the same amount of goods and services, we are forced either to earn more (for those who are working) or to withdraw more from our accounts (for those who are retired).
When it comes to tax-deferred retirement accounts, the longer you wait to take the money, the more expense you incur. The conventional definition for RMD is required minimum distribution. At The Hidden Wealth Solution, we know that RMD really means Retirement Mass Destruction!
We recently met with a couple from Minnesota. They had a lot of their wealth stored in real estate and their 401(k). These are the top two places where we typically find our clients store their wealth. They were surprised when we told them that the boring way to become a millionaire in America is to take advantage of tax strategies. This makes sense because, if you’ve accumulated a lot of wealth, you’ve probably either deferred the tax or you’ve learned how to avoid the tax in either tax-deferred accounts or in the capital gains due on your real estate or business.
Let me teach you how to not only get out of the tax, but how to maintain a no-tax position going forward. Learn how to get rid of tax and how to keep it out. Learn how you can be a tax-free retiree by registering for Tuesday’s webinar at
Having a well-written, comprehensive and well-deserved wealth optimization plan was key for our couple from Minnesota. At Tuesday’s webinar, I will be teaching the strategies that they learned. One of these strategies involves an over four times the invested amount tax deduction! The other strategy involves using discounted tax credits to reduce the amount of federal taxes owed. Both of these strategies have limited availability and this availability is quickly disappearing for 2024. If you want to get a head start to being tax smart in 2025, you need to act fast!
How Big is Your Retirement Tax Bill?
Learn More About How To Become A Millionaire
Our Minnesota clients were able to “stack” two strategies, one a tax credit and the other a tax deduction. Using these two strategies together, they were able to convert all of their traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs with zero dollars in conversion tax coming out of their pockets! They now have a tax savings road map so they can move the money from their real estate holdings, tax-free, into tax-efficient strategies that are not available through the big box store type brokerages. These clients are thrilled. One of their properties is a business that they still manage so, the opportunity to retire their taxes as well as create tax-free income now enables them to do what they desire; visiting family and traveling sooner than they thought possible. Imagine, retiring the hassle of managing real estate while creating over six figures of tax fee income without having to be a landlord.
You work hard for your money! Imagine, becoming a lifetime, tax-free retiree. Our clients tell us they aren’t really looking for a portfolio, they want a well-written, comprehensive wealth optimization plan that gets them on the right track and keeps them there.
There are two ways to deal with tax; you can defer it, which will be costly in the long run, or you can eliminate the tax once and for all! I want to teach you how to eliminate the tax and then grow, use and later, transfer your wealth all tax-free! Learn how you can be a tax-free retiree and how you can enjoy a well-written, comprehensive wealth optimization plan. Register for Tuesday’s no-cost, no-obligation webinar by following these four simple steps:
- Go to
- Select the webinar date/time you prefer.
- Enter your information thoroughly – make sure to double check your email address.
- Click “Reserve My Spot!”
Once you’ve registered, you’ll receive an email containing a personal access link to join Tuesday’s event.
Spouses and Significant Others are Encouraged to Attend This Event Together
Note: We serve Boomers and Retirees all over the Unites States. We have an efficient, supported process to meet online, as have been doing for over 20 years. Our online meetings are private, the access is restricted and we never share our meeting link with anyone who’s not a part of the meeting.
Chuck Oliver
Wealth Strategist | Best-Selling Author
We help Baby Boomers and Retirees thrive in retirement through a clear retirement road map that provides market correction and tax protection to optimize income and assets!