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Let me ask you a question. Is your IRA an IOU to the IRS?

Our tax team serves clients from all around the country in proven tax planning. Some clients come to us before they’re retired, some come to us after they’re retired and some, unfortunately, don’t come to us until they have to take their Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs). Most of the people in this last group are strong savers in tax-deferred accounts such as IRAs and 401(k)s. Almost none of their savings has been taxed yet. When the RMDs hit, the extra income triggers higher taxes and a whole new set of added stealth taxes.

The government keeps changing the rules related to RMDs. In fact, the rules on inherited IRAs just changed again this past week. Previously, if you inherited an IRA where the deceased owner was taking RMDs, you had to take the RMD as well. The funds in the account had to be liquidated within 10 years of its inheritance. Now, the Internal Revenue Service is allowing a non-spouse who inherited an IRA to skip the required minimum distribution this year but, they still must distribute the entire account within 10 years of inheriting it.

I want to teach you how to eliminate RMDs altogether by removing your IRAs and 401(k)s from the tax system. The tax deductions that allow you to do this in the most tax efficient way are dissipating. There is currently a window of opportunity to avoid the higher taxes that are on the way in a short few years, once the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act expires.

By 2030, nearly a quarter of the U.S. population will be 65 years of age or older. For the first time in our nation’s history, there will be more 65 year old’s than there are 18 year old’s. Beginning in 2024, 12,000 people a day will turn 65! That means fewer people paying into taxes and increased demands on Social Security and Medicare. Taxes will have to increase in order to make up for the reduced tax revenue and to shore up these flagging programs.

Click Here to learn the difference between a tax archeologist and a tax architect and and why, as you approach retirement, it is vital to have a retirement tax savings distribution plan.

Many investors seek out extra guidance when they begin to near retirement age. On retiring, many clients reach out, realizing that the plan that got them to where they are requires a different plan to get them through retirement. That’s because retirement savings distribution is fundamentally more complicated than building a portfolio to accumulate wealth. People moving toward and through retirement are concerned about the viability of their current retirement plan. Many people approaching retirement are worried because their wealth accumulation plan has no distribution strategy and no provision for dealing with taxes in retirement.

In many instances, when clients have asked their financial professionals about taxes, they suggest that the client should speak with their tax professional. When they ask their tax professional about a tax-savings strategy, the tax professional tells them they need to talk to their financial advisor. This professional buck passing is the reason why most people do not have an effective strategy for dealing with taxes in retirement. That’s because they are working with archeologists and not architects.

Let me explain the difference between an archeologist and an architect and how this applies to taxes. Tax professionals look at a year’s worth of financial history, documents and artifacts. Like an archeologist, a tax professional looks at historical data to understand patterns and trends. An archeologist uses artifacts to reconstruct past societies and cultures. A tax professional uses financial records to assess past performance and compliance.

An architect is a visionary, an inventor and an innovator. They’re shaping the future and transforming ideas and theoretical concepts into reality. An architect also maps plans for next year and for many years beyond. You want a tax architect today to design a retirement savings distribution plan so you can save tax tomorrow.


This Tuesday, at my Tax Protecting Your Retirement WebinarI will teach you solutions that will allow you to remove your retirement savings from the tax system. It’s important to act now while tax rates are low, deductions are high and before your account values recover. Discover how having a tax architect can prevent your IRA from becoming an IOU to the IRS.

You work hard for your money. Imagine, more financial success, less stress, less worry and more time with family. Register for Tuesday’s webinar and let’s get to work!

To register for Tuesday’s no-cost, no-obligation event, simply follow these four simple steps:

  1. Go to (or scroll down to the form below).
  2. Select the webinar date/time you prefer.
  3. Enter your information thoroughly – make sure to double check your email address.
  4. Click “Reserve My Spot!” to submit, that’s it!
Once you’ve registered, you’ll receive an email containing a personal access link to join Tuesday’s event. Don’t forget to add it to your calendar!
Strong savers in 401(k)s and IRAs and high income earner are the people who will benefit the most from our proven solutions. Proven solutions with a track record of measurable results. Imagine less stress, less worry. Peace of mind retirement protection.

Register for your preferred webinar time now because these events have proven to fill up fast.

Those who attend this event will receive a complimentary copy of my latest eBook:

The Baby Boomer Retirement Breakthrough-The Unfair Advantage to a Safe and Secure Retirement.

CHuck Oliver Retirement Breakthrough

Spouses and Significant Others are Encouraged to Attend This Event Together

Note: We serve Boomers and Retirees all over the Unites States. We have an efficient, supported process to meet online, as have been doing for over 20 years. Our online meetings are private, the access is restricted and we never share our meeting link with anyone who’s not a part of the meeting. Chuck Oliver Wealth Strategist | Best-Selling Author We help Baby Boomers and Retirees thrive in retirement through a clear retirement road map that provides market correction and tax protection to optimize income and assets!