Because you’ve protected your retirement savings from stock market swings with our products and strategies, your retirement savings are completely safe! The retirement savings that you have with us have not lost one dime in what’s now the worst start to the market in years.

We’ve fielded a few concerned client calls this past week. I want to personally assure all of our valued clients that they can be confident that the retirement savings they have through us have not lost any money due to the current market situation.

I also want to remind you that, if you have IRA’s or old 401(k)’s that you can rollover and protect these savings using one of our no market-loss exposure solutions. If the market follows past recovery trends, it has taken most people 15 years to recover from the last two major stock market losses causing a decade and half of lost time. So, waiting for these accounts to “come back” before you move them to more protected strategies can prevent you from further loses and lost time. Many people are concerned about having to postpone retirement or those already retired are questioning if they will have to abandon retirement and go back to work.

Since the market peaked in May, the average stock price in the S&P 500 index is down 16%. A lot more downside lies ahead of us. I believe that we’ll eventually the average stock price in the S&P 500 decline more than 30%.

There have been some great innovations in the last six months so, if we haven’t spoken to you recently, please contact Debbie Klotter at (407) 478-1599 ext. 107 to schedule a time for us to speak. We predict that this market may go down as low as 6,000 in a matter of 12 months or less. We recommend that all of our clients get their serious savings S.A.F.E.

S.A.F.E. is an acronym that I use in my books. It stands for:

Secure from losses,
Free from taxes and
Easy to manage.

Secure your retirement savings from losses is key as the market is predicted to drop much further.

Here’s to your hidden wealth,
Chuck Oliver
Best-Selling Author