In this week’s Hidden Wealth Review, I teach that the first major winter holiday has passed and we are now in a full-fledged retirement transition. The first Baby Boomers must take their Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) by the end of the year. Those who must take RMDs and do not do so before the start of 2017 must pay a 50% penalty! Don’t be surprised if this outflow of cash causes an end-of-year drop in the market.
I’ve noticed that our clients are really starting to focus on making sure that they are doing all they can do to get the most from what they have. There is a lot of uncertainty right now regarding:
- Lower projected returns – due to 10,000 consumers retiring every day. They are moving from the peak consumption years to the peak conservation years. This equates to slower company growth, less profit and lower stock prices.
- Government replacing lost taxes – this tax shortfall is the result of 10,000 fewer people working every day from whom taxes can be collected. This creates a tax revenue shortfall. The way the government plans to recover this lost revenue is to increase the taxes on the income Americans receive from their 401(k)s and IRAs.
The “experts” warn us to only expect about 5% from the market over the next 10 years. I just want to make you aware that, when the market does 5%, our clients routinely make 7%. When the market looses money, our clients avoid the loss due to the protection of our safe indexing solution.
This coming Tuesday, I’m going to be teaching how you can have the safe indexing solution and, how you can have it all tax-free! Use this quiet time between the holidays to learn a new strategy that will allow you to live the tax-free retirement lifestyle that you deserve.
To register for this no-cost, no-obligation educational event, simply go to and enter the required information. But hurry, we’ve had an unusual number of people register for this event lately and the seats for this coming week are filling quickly. I encourage spouses to attend this event together.
Just for registering, you’ll receive my video book, 7 Steps to a Tax-Free Retirement. When you attend my webinar, you’ll receive a copy of my e-book, The Baby Boomer Retirement Breakthrough as an attendance gift.
Or Call
(855) No Tax 2 U
(855) 668-2928
Here’s to your Hidden Wealth,
Chuck Oliver
Best-Selling Author