In this week’s Hidden Wealth Review, I teach that the Trump train is derailing and the uncertainty of his tax plan will only make things more taxing. Last week, the Republican Party failed to pass the repeal and replacement of Obamacare. This will create an even more unpredictable stock market and more uncertainty about future tax rates.
For over two decades, we’ve been teaching our clients the sections of the tax code that legally, ethically and morally allow them to eliminate taxes from their retirement savings. These same sections of the code allow them to eliminate taxes on their retirement income and to also avoid having up to 85% of their Social Security income exposed to taxes.
Best of all, we show clients how to use the tax code to eliminate what I call “The Tax Transfer Tragedy.” This occurs when you think you’re leaving your money to your children only to have the Federal government step in and, through taxes, become your biggest beneficiary.
With this being tax season, I’ve been focusing a lot on these issues while they’re at the top of everyone’s mind. I want to teach you how to get the IRS out of your IRA. I want to show you how you can earn double-digit returns using our safe savings solution. This solution has an amazing, proven track record of measurable results. What’s more, you can enjoy it all, tax-free!
This coming Tuesday I will be teaching my no-cost, no-obligation Tax Protection Webinar. This unique educational event will teach you how to safeguard your retirement savings and income from unnecessary taxes.
To register, go to and enter the required information. Once you’ve submitted your information, you will receive an email that contains a special link to join Tuesday’s event. Register now, while taxes are at the top of your mind. Spouses are encouraged to attend this event together.
When you register and attend the webinar, you’ll receive an e-copy of my latest book, The Baby Boomer Retirement Breakthrough. This book teaches you the top five retirement risks and the unique solutions you can use to avoid them.
Or Call
(855) No Tax 2 U
(855) 668-2928
Here’s to your Hidden Wealth,
Chuck Oliver
Best-Selling Author