In this week’s Hidden Wealth Review, I teach how you can increase your retirement income by up to 40% (or more). What I have discovered recently is that many people are not controlling their retirement tax “controllables” and they’re not taking care of the predictables. Whether you’re transitioning to or through retirement, you can significantly improve your retirement income if you control the controlables.
The Motley Fool had an interesting article this week about the one retirement expense that can catch you off guard. The article was talking about the cost of taxes. Although people tend to ignore this cost, taxes are a big expense in retirement. We have discovered that taxes are often the largest retirement expense, particularly for those who have done a really good job in saving for retirement.
Here are three taxation areas that must be properly prepared for in retirement:
- Taxes on Retirement Account Income (from IRAs & 401(k)s. These are taxed at the highest rate but, you can avoid them altogether.
- Taxes on Social Security Income. These taxes are usually caused by retirement account income. So, if you control for area number one, you also can control area number two.
- Taxes on Investment Income. We can show you how to have tax-free growth and distributions from your investment income without having to pay capital gains (which increase taxes on Social Security).
Learn to control the controllables. Let me teach you how to become a tax-free retiree by eliminating taxes on your RMDs, your Social Security and your investment income. Register for this coming Tuesday’s no-cost, no-obligation Retirement Protection Webinar.
To register go to, enter the required information and submit your registration. Once you submit your information, you will receive an email containing a personal link to join Tuesday’s event. Spouses are encouraged to attend this event together.
When you register and attend the webinar, you’ll receive an e-copy of my latest book, The Baby Boomer Retirement Breakthrough. This book teaches you the top five retirement risks and the unique solutions you can use to avoid them.
Or Call
(855) No Tax 2 U
(855) 668-2928
Here’s to your Hidden Wealth,
Chuck Oliver
Best-Selling Author