In this week’s Hidden Wealth Review, I teach that the Trump tax reform plan came out this week and it’s impact on your retirement can be significant. While many people are uncertain what the reforms mean for them personally, it’s clear that, if you have saved at least $500,000 in your retirement accounts, or if have $250,000 or more in taxable income you are going to pay more tax. I want to teach you how to avoid this.

In over 21 years of working with Baby Boomers and business owners, I’ve found that the best way to avoid over-paying your taxes is to have a better plan than the one the IRS has for you. We’ve created a better plan for our clients, using solutions which have proven track records of measurable results. We use the IRS approved way to legally eliminate any unnecessary taxes. This includes taxes on your income and on the growth, distribution and transfer of your retirement accounts. Best of all, our solutions avoid having to take (and be taxed on) Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from your retirement savings.

There are several proposed tax changes that have many people on edge. One change requires non-spousal inherited IRAs to be liquidated within five years. Another pending change is that people with 401(k)s would be assessed an additional 15% tax on the annual growth of the money saved in their account.

Why these drastic new measures? Well, in order to pass the Trump tax reforms, congressional Republicans will use a maneuver called reconciliation. Under reconciliation, any tax cut must be paid for by a tax increase. The government’s facing a potential shortfall of up to a trillion dollars. It’s no wonder the IRS is gunning for the money you’ve saved in your tax-deferred retirement accounts.

We have proven tax-savings solutions with measurable results to cover many tax dilemmas. For example, we’ve taught our clients how to get out over 90% of the money in their 401(k)s and IRAs without taxes. We teach business owners who have at least $250,000 in taxable income that they can save anywhere from $30,000 (or more) in unnecessary annual taxes, every year! These are just two of the many unique tax-savings solutions that we use to help our clients avoid unnecessary taxes.

I want to teach you how to avoid unnecessary taxes, too. This coming Tuesday, I’ll be teaching my Tax Freedom Webinar. This no-cost, no-obligation educational event teaches you how to get the government out of your retirement so that you keep more of your money for you. These events fill quickly so you must hurry and register. Last week, we had a record number of registrations and we had to set-up a waiting list.

To register, go to, enter the required information and submit your registration. Once you’ve registered, you’ll receive an email containing a personal link to join Tuesday’s event.

-Spouses are encouraged to attend this event together-

When you register and attend the webinar, you’ll receive an e-copy of my latest book, The Baby Boomer Retirement Breakthrough. This book teaches you the top five retirement risks and the unique solutions you can use to avoid them.

Or Call

(855) No Tax 2 U

(855) 668-2928

Here’s to your Hidden Wealth,

Chuck Oliver

Best-Selling Author