In this week’s Hidden Wealth Review, I teach that the official income tax filing day has passed. Please, don’t let another April pass you by without addressing the legal, moral and ethical ways to drastically reduce your Federal income tax liability.
Recently, on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, a political science professor from Occidental College shared her belief that an 83% Federal tax rate on income as well as inheritance, is “more than fair!” She also said that a 50% tax capital gains tax rate for certain income levels is “more than fair.” Questioned further, the professor said that she currently only pays around half of her proposed “more than fair” tax rate but that she donates heavily to charities because she feels that she makes better choices as to where that money gets distributed. Essentially, she wants others to pay twice the tax rate she pays, even though she admits the government is not the best steward of our money.
The Trump Tax Reform Train may be totally derailed due to the current stalemate in Congress. Many states are raising their state tax levels to cover shortfalls in their budgets. Meanwhile, our Federal budget deficit is increasing by $1million a minute! Accordingly, tax rates are going to have to increase.
We can take steps right now to legally reduce our taxes. This week, I spoke to a client and his CPA. Both were astonished at how predictable it is to reduce someone’s taxes 20% to 40% by properly using the tax code. This tax savings can then be redirected into accounts where it can grow tax-deferred and then be accessed in a tax-advantaged way. Ultimately, these accounts can be inherited in a tax-advantaged way, as well. I want to teach you how you can do this.
This coming Tuesday I will be teaching my no-cost, no-obligation Tax Savings Webinar. This unique educational opportunity teaches you how our clients (myself included) are able to grow money without tax, access the money without tax and drastically reduce the Federal tax burden by 20% to 40%. This tax reduction is an especially important benefit for business owners and entrepreneurs.
To register, go to, enter the required information and submit your registration. Once you submit your information, you will receive an email containing a personal link to join Tuesday’s event. Register now! Don’t let another tax day pass by without learning how to discover and uncover your hidden tax savings solution. Spouses are encouraged to attend this event together.
When you register and attend the webinar, you’ll receive an e-copy of my latest book, The Baby Boomer Retirement Breakthrough. This book teaches you the top five retirement risks and the unique solutions you can use to avoid them.
Or Call
(855) No Tax 2 U
Here’s to your Hidden Wealth,
Chuck Oliver
Best-Selling Author