In this week’s Hidden Wealth Review, I teach how to save taxes. Let me ask you a question. Into what type of accounts are you currently saving your money and into what type of accounts have saved in the past? Are they “tax me now” accounts, “tax me later” accounts or “tax me never” accounts?
The answer to this question is critically important if you have saved $100,000 or more for retirement. There is a lot of uncertainty over the “Trump Bump,” the looming tariff tax and how to pay for the repeal and replacement of Obama Care. The one thing we can certainly count on is that taxes will continue to threaten those who have saved diligently for retirement.
Many people are unaware that they can save money in a “tax me never” account. There are special sections of the tax code that allow your money to: grow without tax, be accessed without tax and be transferred to future generations without tax.
There are no Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), you are not locked out of your money until you are 59½ years old, you have liquidity and you are in complete control of your savings. This safe-savings solution also avoids exposing up to 85% of your Social Security income to taxes.
Let me teach you how to become a tax-free retiree. To learn, simply register for this Tuesday’s Retirement Protection Webinar. This no-cost, no-obligation educational event will teach you the tax-savings strategies that help you to stop the federal government from becoming your biggest beneficiary.
To register, please go to and enter the required information. After submitting your information, you will receive an email that contains a special link to join Tuesday’s event.
When you register and attend the webinar, you’ll receive an e-copy of my latest book, The Baby Boomer Retirement Breakthrough. This book will teach you the top five retirement risks and the unique solutions that you can use to avoid them.
Or Call
(855) No Tax 2 U
Here’s to your Hidden Wealth,
Chuck Oliver
Best-Selling Author