In this week’s Hidden Wealth Solution Insight, I teach that the first election debate is right around the corner and so is market volatility. We really need to prepare ourselves and the best way that I know how to do this is to use a safe indexing solution

This solution has three tremendous advantages:

  1. Safety,
  2. Liquidity and
  3. A great rate of return.

But the best part about this solution is that it’s all tax-free! A safe indexing solution prevents major market losses because it is indexing, not investing.

The chart below compares how $500,000 would have fared from 2000 to 2014 if it had been invested in the S&P 500™ against how $500,000 would have performed if it had been indexed. It’s easy to see that the safe indexing solution easily outperforms the S&P during this period. Don’t fall victim to re-living the below example of what the average Baby Boomer experienced in the major (53%) market corrections between 2000 and 2002 (and then the 38% loss in 2008-2009). Many economists are predicting the worst market correction in history.

Investing vs. Indexing

The mutual fund watchdog, Dalbar, says that the average 30 year return for the average investor is just 3.5%.Our clients have earned approximately 100% more money, taking 100% less risk and, best of all, 100% tax-free!

S.A.F.E. is simple:

Secure from losses,

Accessible as needed,

Free from taxes,

Easy to manage.

This coming Tuesday, I want to teach you how to get a tax-free, safe indexing solution. Register right now for my no-cost, no-obligation educational webinar. Learn how our clients avoid market losses and protect themselves from taxes on the growth, distribution and transfer of their retirement. Learn how important it is to get your serious retirement savings S.A.F.E. Go to now and enter the required information.
Or Call
(855) No Tax 2 U
(855) 668-2928

Here’s to your Hidden Wealth,
Chuck Oliver
Best-Selling Author